Important to know using the webshop
When you start using our webshop, some things are important to know.
1. For the maximum stock look on the webshop after 13:00 Dutch time and before 6:00
2. Don’t wait too long to confirm the order
Remember, when you place an order, until you confirm it, it is just a shopping list and there is possibility that some of the products run out of stock
3. Make sure that all status are green
After your confirmation, the status of the products should be green, if the status becomes red in any of the products, then you have to search for an alternative product.
4. Cut-off time of the webshop
Our cut-off time is 10:00 on the day of departure. After that time you will not be able to order in our webshop.
For an urgent order after 10:00, you can call us and we will try our best to get these products =on the same shipment.
5. Packing
The way we pack depends on what we agreed on. Usually we pack the flowers in boxes and the plants on CC Trolleys but we can deliver the flowers also in buckets, dry on CC, plants in boxes etc.
6. Payment
Our payment policy is payment in advance or cash deposit.
If you have any other questiond, do not hesitate to contact us at +306947207751